As far as the main plot is concerned, your primary goal is to kill everything in sight. As you travel through the grimy and often disgusting world, you'll absorb hints and clues about your surroundings, but that's pretty much it. However, that doesn't stop the game's levels and world from being incredibly atmospheric, as they are ripe with elements of environmental storytelling. Apart from some brief dialogue sections and vague cutscenes, the story in Demon's Souls requires a significant amount of thinking to piece together. While there's a significant amount of lore and world-building in Demon's Souls, you might not notice it when you play the game for the first time.

Conjured up by ancient magic, the fog has overtaken Boletaria, unleashing blood-thirsty demons across the land. Demon's Souls takes place in the fantasy kingdom of Boletaria, where you play as a brave adventurer attempting to rid the world of an evil, all-consuming fog.